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 FT_AADDITION()   Add elements unique of source array to target array
 FT_AAVG()        Average numeric values in an array
 FT_ADESSORT()    Sort an array in descending order
 FT_AEMAXLEN()    Find longest element within an array
 FT_AEMINLEN()    Find shortest element within an array
 FT_AMEDIAN()     Find middle value in array, or average of two middle values
 FT_ANOMATCHES()  Find the number of array elements meeting a condition
 FT_AREDIT()      2 dimensional array editing function using TBrowse
 FT_ASUM()        Sum the elements of an array
 FT_RESTARR()     Restore a Clipper array from a disc file
 FT_SAVEARR()     Save Clipper array to a disc file.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson